Get coaching, transform your life and conquer your goals… 

LET ME PERSONALLY TAKE YOU FROM ZERO TO BULLDOG. My only regret with John is that I didn't contact him earlier. Had I signed up for coaching in 2016, I would have achieved my goals several times over by now.— Vladimir Khorikov

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Dear future Bulldog,

Do you want to become a Bulldog, but you could use a little help? 

No worries — can I tell you a little secret? I needed help too.

In fact, I would be nowhere close to where I am today, I would have never become a millionaire, never got six-pack abs, never built the businesses that I have —  if I didn't have some really good coaches who helped me along the way…

The thing is, it's difficult to go at it alone — even when you know what to do…

I know the struggle. I know your pain. I've been there and I've suffered through it…

But — here's the thing I wish I would have figured out much earlier in life — I found a shortcut for achieving what I want in life…

Before and After…

The shortcut is to find someone who is doing what you WANT to be doing and get them to teach you how to do it.

It's as simple as that…


  • Want to learn how to build enough passive income that you don't have to work for someone else — and you can be financially free?
  • Need to get into shape? Get that physique you've always wanted? Maybe those six-pack abs that are so difficult to get?
  • Perhaps you need some *ahem* relationship guidance. Are you afraid to approach and talk to girls? You just don't know how to get results?
  • Or maybe you want to excel in your career, get a promotion, negotiate a better salary? Or build your first self-sustaining business?

Well, if you are like most of the Bulldogs I coach, chances are it's not just one of these goals you have —  it's most of them or ALL of them and more…

That's good — reeeeal good man…

My coaching methodology is a holistic approach…

This means I help you with your entire life, because that's what it takes to truly level up — and become a Bulldog.

When I coach you, there is no topic off limits and nothing too embarrassing to talk about — trust me, I've heard it all and I've dealt with most of it myself…

(I used to be a lazy, shy, fat, ugly, broke-ass nerd. Check out my story if you don't believe me.)

If I can go from this, to a fucking bulldog, like this:

Before and after

You can do the same and if not better. But before we get into that…

Why am I qualified to guide you in your pursuit of health, wealth, relationships and mindset? 

So how can I take you from where you are today and completely transform you into a full fledged Bulldog? 

What kind of authority and credibility do I have to teach anyone? 

It’s simple actually…

Unlike some of the “gurus” you see out there… 

I’ve done it all. I went from a simple software developer to becoming a self-made millionaire and entrepreneur.

Also, I didn’t retire by only selling courses. And I don’t hide what I do from everyone. You can check out my monthly income reports on my YouTube channel if you want more proof…

Watch how I still made $83,785 in ONE month. During one of the most difficult times in history… 

Everything I do is transparent…


I’ve written my own best selling books like “The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide.”

I’ve started my own self-sustaining businesses (Simple Programmer and Bulldog Mindset.) I run affiliate campaigns with many experts. I’ve made courses and products that people actually want… 

I’ve shown many guys how to do the same as me.

Some take their business way ahead of mine because they go deep on one thing. I’m purposely challenging myself to do multiple niches at once… 

But business and marketing isn’t my only skill…

I have a proven record when it comes to my health and fitness. I’ve finished countless marathons.

I’ve dropped my body fat to lower than 10 percent. I’ve obtained 6 pack abs. I have a system down to help you lose weight and gain the most attractive physique possible…


Once again there’s even more than health and fitness…

I’ve coached hundreds of guys on dating and social dynamics. This is one of the toughest areas for guys to master. I know how important it is for a man’s confidence to have this figured out…

That’s why I’ve studied the best systems, tactics, and what makes people work. But I didn’t get there by only sitting on my ass. I went out and got rejected hundreds of times to figure this dating game out. 

So now I know my methods will work for you… 

And lastly, I put my money where my mouth is. I take the revenue I make — then reinvest it into my business and into real estate. A lot of people are intimidated by real estate investing. 

But once you go through my methods. You’ll be wondering why you didn't start this sooner…


In fact, most of my coaching students come for deep knowledge and experience in real estate investing. 

That’s because I’ve done millions of dollars worth of deals over a 20 year period… I know what I’m talking about. I’ll take you from having zero knowledge to:

  • Setting up your very own team with the most important people in the game…
  • Discovering what markets to exploit for the best deals — and uncovering the hidden ones that no one tells you about…
  • Making offers and using my proven techniques so you know when to “low ball” or “buy now…”
  • Buying and closing. When to pull the trigger and how to utilize your team for the best results…

Listen to How I Saved AMil over $30k and helped set him up for true finanical freedom for life

What Sanjay has to say about my coaching… How I helped him save a ton of money in real estate

I’ve been doing this for a while. My methods allowed me to buy 28 apartments and retire by 33… Now I can show you how as well…

So that was a lot of background to dump on you. But the reason why I brought all that up was not to brag.

But for this reason…

With my coaching, it’s my job to transfer all my knowledge to you…


My business building, marketing, health, fitness, relationship, investing, productivity and anything else I mentioned… 

Directly to you… 

With my monthly coaching you’ll be able to access that wealth of experience and knowledge at any time. Then you’ll receive custom solutions to help you overcome your challenges. Everyone is at different places in life…


That’s why my coaching is tailored directly to your unique situation…

That’s what separates me from the wannabes. I’m giving you actionable plans and steps…


And these steps, methods, systems allowed me to retire in my early 30’s. That’s why I stand by them. I know they work. It’s just up to you to execute…

Apply for coaching today

Enter your name and best email…

First Name Email* Submit [tcb-script type=”text/javascript”]window.cfields = [];window._show_thank_you = function(id, message, trackcmp_url) { var form = document.getElementById(‘_form_' + id + ‘_'), thank_you = form.querySelector(‘._form-thank-you'); form.querySelector(‘._form-content').style.display = ‘none'; thank_you.innerHTML = message; = ‘block'; if (typeof(trackcmp_url) != ‘undefined' && trackcmp_url) { // Site tracking URL to use after inline form submission. _load_script(trackcmp_url); } if (typeof window._form_callback !== ‘undefined') window._form_callback(id);};window._show_error = function(id, message, html) { var form = document.getElementById(‘_form_' + id + ‘_'), err = document.createElement(‘div'), button = form.querySelector(‘button'), old_error = form.querySelector(‘._form_error'); if (old_error) old_error.parentNode.removeChild(old_error); err.innerHTML = message; err.className = ‘_error-inner _form_error _no_arrow'; var wrapper = document.createElement(‘div'); wrapper.className = ‘_form-inner'; wrapper.appendChild(err); button.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, button); document.querySelector(‘[id^=”_form”][id$=”_submit”]').disabled = false; if (html) { var div = document.createElement(‘div'); div.className = ‘_error-html'; div.innerHTML = html; err.appendChild(div); }};window._load_script = function(url, callback) { var head = document.querySelector(‘head'), script = document.createElement(‘script'), r = false; script.type = ‘text/javascript'; script.charset = ‘utf-8'; script.src = url; if (callback) { script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!r && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == ‘complete')) { r = true; callback(); } }; } head.appendChild(script);};(function() { if (“excludeform”) !== -1) return false; var getCookie = function(name) { var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp(‘(^|; )' + name + ‘=([^;]+)')); return match ? 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Even the best of the best rely on coaches…

Now you may be wondering — why do you even need a coach? 

Aren’t coaches for underperformers? 

The short answer is no. Successful people get coaches because they know how effective it is…

You see, movie stars, tech CEOs, high performing athletes, professional fighters and the best of the best hire coaches. Even if you are an expert on your craft. You’ll run into problems that you will never see coming… 

Instead of trying to figure it out on your own…

Whether it’s a small task or a large one that could shape the rest of your life. A coach gives you an outside perspective on how to solve that challenge… 

Like how I helped Serge develop a plan and gave him the confidence to pursue his true potential…

And one of the most important things a coach can give you is personal accountability. We all need reasons to take action and sometimes that could be a coach in your corner that guides you. 

Because you don’t want to let them down, especially if you made a large investment. But more importantly — you don’t want to let yourself down either… 

If you have the means why not accomplish more with a coach? 

But if you aren’t going to take action anyways. Even the greatest coach can’t help you out…

Coaching gives your time back…

We're all busy… 

We all have businesses to run, jobs to go to, family to help out. So it’s natural to feel you don’t have time — to bring on a coach in your life. That's exactly why working with a coach can be a solid investment.

A good coach will provide you the framework, actionable steps and processes to help you save time. It’s highly possible that someone already has solved the challenge you are currently facing right now.

Like how I helped Johnny scale his business through intense focus

So all you have to do is find the right coach for you. They will show you what steps to take so you don’t have to overthink things…

One of the biggest reasons people fail is by overwhelming themselves and not reaching out for support...


Look I get it, it’s noble to do things on your own. But a lot of the time it’s inefficient, messy and full of frustration. Instead of wasting time figuring out the next steps.

You can do the smart thing and follow a plan that already exists…

If one session could save you 3 – 6 months of your time. Wouldn't it be worth it? 

That’s why I developed a unique method for solving men’s deepest desires. You may already know what The Bulldog Mindset is. But in case you don’t know.

Check out this video…


I’m not an expert at everything. I just know what I know very well. I’m not some godlike being or super genius. I’m an average guy just like you and many others… I just figured out a system, a method, a process that allows me to unleash my full potential every day. Do I fall off the rails sometimes? Of course I do. But when I do, I know exactly how to pick myself back up and keep going again. A lot of guys fall off and stay down. That’s like entering the boxing ring. Getting punched once and just quitting the whole sport…I’ve spent over 20 years studying, testing, working and researching. You got to put in the work like I did. But here’s the thing about coaching…Like a book, you get decades of experience within hours. So your potential is actually higher. You can learn and utilize what I learned in 20+ years — right away…And if anyone claims they know everything. They’re BSing you. So with that out of the way…


Like I said, my coaching is holistic…

I pry. I want to know more about you than just what you want to tell me. I need this information — so I can best serve you and help you become the Bulldog you want to become…

This is a rundown of my expertise and what I can coach you in:

  • Career (increase salary, make more money, manage your career, negotiation tactics, managing teams.)
  • Entrepreneurship (start a business or side hustle to make more money, avoid common pitfalls, how to be your own boss)
  • Relationship and dating (mastering frame control, how to navigate the market, building a network, overcome sticking points)
  • Personal development (plan and achieve goals, books to read, where to develop, how to develop, remove limiting beliefs)
  • Fitness and diet (lose weight, gain muscle, start exercise program, healthy habits, become attractive)
  • Personal branding (for your business, career, social life)
  • Investing (mostly real estate, but I can help you weigh the alternatives — I've done it all including complex option trading.)

If you are serious about even building a side hustle, it's not that difficult to get to a point where you are making $2k+ a month within a year.

Most of my coaching clients have been able to achieve much more than that.

And if you just want to make more money at your current job, I can help you find another job, go through the interview process and negotiate a higher salary. The choice is yours. 

But I have to let you know…


I don't mean to be a snob at all. I want to help EVERYONE, but I WILL NOT coach everyone — I don't care how much money you offer me…

The reason is simple: I have a limited amount of time and I only want to spend my time coaching people who:

  • Have the potential to actually become a Bulldog and reach their potential.
  • Are motivated and committed enough to do it.
  • I like.

I don't really need money. I'm a multi-millionaire and I have plenty of passive income coming in every month for the rest of my life…

That doesn't mean I'm not making more money and building businesses — I am…

But, what it does mean is that I can be HIGHLY selective, because I don't NEED anyone's money.

I have a little notepad on my desk that says “I DO WHAT I WANT.”

It's the truth.

If you are the right kind of person, who truly wants to become a Bulldog, I want to show you — how you can build the kind of life where you can “DO WHAT YOU WANT.”

Sound good?

Great, let's move on…

You’re Not Alone…

But you don’t have to believe me word for word.

Instead check out these Bulldogs…

“I came to the US in 2014 and was lucky to discover John the same year. I remember listening to him on a podcast talking about how to market yourself as a software developer.

I was hooked. I've been following him ever since and attribute a big part of my success to his guidance. Thanks to John, I've created a blog (which now gets about 40,000 visits a month) and authored several Pluralsight courses (some of them are among the most popular on Pluralsight).

Recently, I signed up for personal coaching with John where he helps me build my own business. I wish I'd start this earlier. It would have saved me a lot of time moving in a wrong direction during all these years with my blog, courses, and side projects (I've got quite a few of those projects which didn't go anywhere). John has helped me crystallize my goals, put a plan towards those goals, and move much more efficiently.

My only regret with John is that I didn't contact him earlier. Had I signed up for coaching in 2016, I would have achieved my goals several times over by now.”

—Vladimir Khorikov

Hear how I taught Gregory from Dapp University to make $75k in one week

How I helped Wallace squeeze an extra 5 – 10k in his salary and guided him through his first real estate deal


“He’s expanded the way I take life and expanded my knowledge base.” — Daniel

“Before I started following John. I wouldn't have applied for this job. It would have been plain sailing and coasting through life. I applied for it and actually got the job.” — Sean

“I lost a bunch of weight working with John’s ideas. I’ve lost over 100 pounds since. And he’s one of the reasons why I’m still alive.” — Christopher

“It’s a great community all around. You get a lot of support and accountability. It helps you move towards your goals in every aspect of your life.” — Michael

“It gave me answers I didn't know I was looking for. It turned out to be a life changing decision.” — Andrew

“The Bulldog Mindset has changed my life. It helped me take action and seeing others take action helps me stay motivated and on track.” — Daniel

“I’m taking more initiative. I’m being more specific about my goals and I’m actually accomplishing them.” — Vincent

“I’ve been way more productive since I started. My amount of dedication towards the business has improved drastically. My goal is to get the business to a 7 figure business.” — Parker

“This has been the most successful year financially. A lot of that is due to the Bulldog Mindset.” — Antony

“The pillars it’s built upon are important in my life — like career, social life and health. The content, especially the content not on YouTube is very good. There’s some diamonds in the course that helped me a lot.” — Martin


I used to have a bunch of options, but I basically offer two main ways I do coaching. 

First off, there is an application process…

It's simple…

Fill out your name and email in the fields below. Then I’ll send you an email with an application form. Fill that out and I'll get back to you…

Next, there are two pricing options:

  • Option 1: Once a month coaching. Unlimited email support from me. We'll work together to develop a personal plan for you to achieve your goals. $1,500 for one month. (No subscription required.)
  • Option 2: In person training. This is where you will spend the whole day with me. We’ll work together and solve your current challenges. You will walk away with the right strategies and an action plan. This will be customized to you and no one else. The investment will be: $10,000.(It’s not for everyone and that’s perfectly fine.)

Most of my coaching clients start off with option 1.

Coaching is an investment in your future…

On the fence? Now you know how much you’ll have to invest…

Maybe you’ve tried coaching before with someone else and didn’t get any value from it. 

I see it a lot. People pretending to be coaches but don’t have the authority or credibility to teach anyone. Or maybe the person you were working with didn’t have a clue about your situation. Or maybe they didn’t care enough.

To be frank with you. That’s why I stand out. I have the experience and knowledge to get you from A to Z with your challenges. Why? Because like I said before, I’ve been through it myself.

I’ve also helped hundreds of other men do the same… 

My experience and methods are proven. That's why demand for me is always high. So the results speak for themselves… 

So yes, it’s quite the investment. But if you are able to save 3 – 6 months or even a year of your time, frustration and pain. It’s worth it in my eyes.

And like I said above…


I am also usually completely booked out. So when a few slots do open, I give those slots those who show the most promise —  and are really serious about putting forth the effort to get to the next level…

If you want to apply for my coaching services:

Fill out your name and email in the fields below. Then I’ll send you an email with an application form. Fill that out and I'll get back to you…

I'm very interested to hear about your commitment level. Also tell me what level of coaching you are looking for…

Apply for coaching today

Enter your name and best email...

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That's it. I look forward to working with you!

-John Sonmez

P.S. — Looking for another option? Join the Bulldog Mindset Membership and you can get live Q&A sessions with me each month. It's not the same as individual coaching, but it's a good option if you want to test the waters…