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For Anyone Looking To Escape The 9-5 Grind And Live Life on Your Own Terms…

“I'm Revealing my risk free Approach to financial freedom and early retirement Without investing in stocks, crypto or your 401k”

Even if you have no technical skills, no start-up capital and no experience investing…

Click the button to get started today.

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How long do you plan to play in the investing slowlane?

You've tried working the 9am – 5pm job like everyone else…

You've put your hard earned cash into your savings… accounts and 401k …

How's that extra few dollars doing for you? 

You've put $1000 into the S&P 500 every month hoping for a 8% return on your investment…

Waiting 30 years to see any real cash seems kind of slow…

You've tried running your own side hustles… like a FB ads agency, digital marketing agency or doing some freelance copywriting on the side…

Only to scrap up the bottom of the barrel clients…

You've tried looking into crypto but now that it's filled with scams and rug-pulls… maybe it isn't such a safe option anymore…

So I have to ask you…

…Where did ALL that that get you?  

Did it get you closer to owning your dream house or property? 

The one with the white picket fence with the lovely wife and big dog you always dreamed of? 

Were you able to escape the rat race and say “I quit” to your boss who doesn't give a damn about you? 

Were you able to take a trip and explore the world like you always wanted to? 

And how come there's a new 21 year old millionaire every month? 

Where are they coming from? 

They're not smarter than you. They don't work harder than you…

But somehow they're ahead and you're still in the same place as last year. 

They must know something you don't…

It's true, you're missing a piece of the financial puzzle and something has to change my friend…

Look, I know you’ve been doing this your entire life…

The same routine. The same game. The same scenery outside your apartment…

And I know you've tried what your family tells you to do… 

Apply to some new jobs…

Ask for a bigger promotion…

Start another side hustle…

But let me ask you… how many of them are millionaires? 

And look, while you start another job hunt…

These kids and the top 10% will continue to scoop up properties and customers… 

Your property…

Your customers…

Your dreams…

So is it too late for you?

Is it too late to live life on your own terms? 

Too late to break your chains? 

Too late to explore and be free FOREVER?

No. It's not too late…

…Because I'm going to show you how I retired at the age of 33 with a legal loophole I found…

It allows me to collect checks automatically each month…

AND I only have to spend about 1 hour a MONTH managing everything.  

And trust me… it's not what you think it is… 


If you don't know who I am yet… I'm John Sonmez. 

At first I was regular software developer. I had a 9-5 job like anyone else…

I had bosses to answer to. 

I had to answer emails at off times.

I was on call if shit hit the fan.

I wasn't living my life completely in my own terms you could say…

Well, after 15 years in the industry I told myself that I had enough…

I wanted to do what I want, whenever I wanted. And to answer to only one person…


This was the domino that allowed me to retire at the age of 33…

I was able to pursue my goals in fitness, self-development, and investing. I own over 30 properties and I created Bulldog Mindset to help more people.

And know I have over 350,000 subscribers on social media platforms and over 40,000,000 video views.

So how did I do it? 

In the next few minutes I'll reveal how.

But first… I'm not saying all this to brag…

Far from it. 


I've know what it's like to sleep on the floor and eat Mac & Cheese every night. 

For you maybe it was ramen or ketchup sandwiches. 

I see too many guys struggling like this and I want it to stop. 

It's that simple… 

Here's How I Went From Sleeping On The Floor To Making Over 80K A Month By Ignoring The “Right Way To Invest”, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Real Estate/Financial Freedom Model Upside Down

Don't believe me?Good…

I like skeptical people. Means they are smart… plus you shouldn't believe every single “guru” you meet online. 

So let me show you how I did it… 

But first I have a very important disclaimer:

I have the advantage of experience.

I've done this over and over again with my coaching students and for myself.

The average person who joins coaching programs get little to no results. And for good reason too…

The don't attend calls, take action, implement etc. 

They just sit there content on playing pretend. 

Which is why any reference you see here is for example purposes only.

Everyone's results will always vary and depend on so many variables…

I don't know your background, experience and work ethic.

All purchases of my products or joining my program will require massive and consistent effort. If you can't accept this then DO NOT APPLY OR BUY ANYTHING OF MINE.

It took me time and energy to achieve my results. 

Don't expect magic pills with me. So with that said… let's get started…

And I Did It By Using A Simple And Logical Model That I’m About To Share With You Right Now…

I developed my Financial Freedom Freedom Formula so that software developers and my Bulldogs (private group members) from all over the world – could use to retire early and live life on their own terms…

… And now many of them work only because they CHOOSE to. 

… All while spending more time with family.

… And best of all they never have to think about money ever again. 

… They can spend it and continue to grow it however they want..

Just like Gregory from Dapp University. Who I coached and soon after made $75,000 in a week after launching his blockchain developer bootcamp. 

And even though getting $75,000 is great… that's not the best part…The best part is now he can do this on repeat whenever he wants…That's right. Once you do it once you just do it over and over again whenever you want to. 

It's not a one time cash injection. It's a lifetime write your own ticket to freedom. And Greg wasn't the only one either…

We got Captain Sinbad to $10,000 a month on his channel. …And soon he was doing 50K and then 100K a month.

Meet Greg Who Made $75k In One Week!

Meet Captain Sinbad Who's Channel’s Revenue Grew From $10,000 to $100,000

Meet Amil Who's Now Owns 11 Units And Saved $30,000

And I guarantee…My Financial Freedom Formula is not like any “get rich quick” method you heard of before……My method is completely different because it just works…

  • We don't focus on complicated methods
  • We don't focus on needing a ton of start-up capital
  • We don't focus on requiring 15 years of experience
  • We don't focus on slowlane methods like stocks, 401k, crypto etc
  •  We don't focus on “trends” like dropshipping or agencies models
  • We don't focus on being super involved (9-5 every single day)
  • We don't focus on spending your whole life savings
  • In fact: we rarely (if ever) take any real losses or risks cause not many know about this….

Instead We Use My Well That Never Runs Dry Method…

Like I said…

When you implement my formula it has the power to change your financial situation…

I can say this with conviction… 

Because everything in my life changed…The Well That Never Run Dry model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to starting a business, making money and real estate investments…

  • I don't need to flip houses or use other tactics
  • I don't need to spend all my time managing properties
  • I don't need to copy other people's businesses. 
  • I don't need to spend all my time writing ads/marketing
  • I don't need to be on call 24/7, 365 days
  • I don't need to chase after deals or beg customers
  • I don't need to follow trends or stupid dances
  • I don't NEED to invest in stocks, bonds, crypto unless I want to.
  • In fact: I can do pretty much what I want now…

The Well That Never Runs Dry Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Chase My Goals And Live Free

Here’s what many of my student's lives life used to look like (and If you’ve ever worked a regular job, then I’m sure you can relate)…I call this the “Investment Cycle Of Doom”:Step 1 – Work a job (any job making less than 65K)Step 2 – Invest $1000 a month into 401k, stocks etc. Step 3 – Wait 30 – 35 years for compound interestStep 4 – Reach The young age of 65/70 Step 5 – Cash out on your investments Step 6 – Realize you don't have enough to retire onStep 7 – Get a new jobStep 8 – Start overThe Investment Cycle Of Doom is way too slow…

it will keep you stuck for decades – It will force you to stay in the slowlane and only earn the bare minimum while investing the bare minimum…. while working your ass off.

Only to enjoy life at 65? 

Be honest…

You'd rather enjoy life NOW rather than later right?

…this is why I gave up on this strategy…

…I needed a better way…

So I wanted to try something…

Something  that would change everything…

And you're in luck because I'm about to show it to you…

…Best of all it just works…

And now I've put it into a system for you to use…

More on it in a minute…

But first…

Click the button to get started today.

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I Ended Up With High Paying Developer Job And I Hated It…

I hated it because I had something called Golden Handcuffs…

Even if I was getting paid a high salary… I wasn't truly free.

I had a boss, had to work hours I had no control over and I had to deal with teams that sometimes were unruly… 

I had my own dreams and goals…

I wanted more out of life…

I didn't want to pour my best years into a faceless corporation… just for green paper with a president's face on it. 

…And I realized that putting my money into stocks, bonds etc was just too slow…

So I looked for a solution…

A way out of the slowlane…

I wanted to be free while I still could enjoy myself…

…And funny enough I found it in a book that no one knew about… 

It was The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. 

The book made me realize… all the riches people in the world invest in real estate…

And in the book there was even a simple formula to do it…

I did the math and wanted to try it out…

And to my surprise it worked…

I was able to buy a new property every single year and live off the passive income it created…

This blew my mind cause no one else was doing it… 

Real Estate Investing Is One Of The Most Legitimate And Easy-To-Do If You Want To Retire Early and Live Life On Your Own Terms…

Look, it just makes sense:

If you bought a property and rented it out…

You'd make money right? 

Then if you live off of the rent…

And it was enough to cover your expenses…

Aren't you technically financially free?

So what happens if you have two properties?

More money to cover your expenses…

And eventually if you buy 1 property each year like I do…  

Your well (cash) just gets deeper and deeper. And no matter how much water (money) you take out…

It just never runs dry…

Then what happens if I pour all my business money into this well… 

It was like a money printer on steroids…

Some days I could sit there and do nothing and just make $19,000…

And you know why I love doing it this way?

You Don’t Even Have To Manage The Property

Some properties I've only seen ONCE my entire life…

Which means you can collect rental checks without talking to a single human being if you wanted to. 

All you have to do is follow each step I've prepared for you…

And That Was The Birth Of My Well That Never Runs Dry Formula…

After doing some research… I found out why it worked better than I could ever imagine…

I was using a little unknown secret no one else was using…

This allowed me to get 25% – 50% returns on each of my properties…

I was so freaked out that I took my data and books to a financial analyst to look over…

At first he brushed me off and said there's no way you can get those kinds of returns…

A few days later he came back screaming how crazy my math was….

He was shocked that this worked and wondered why no one else was doing it…

He told me he's going to do it my way from now on…

Funny huh?

But look, 

Even though I was lucky enough to get into the market early…

I still had to put in the work to start my business…

I still had to go out there and make my own deals.

Trial and error left and right.

Looking back at those first 5 years were crazy…

Late nights figuring out details…

Tons of hard work writing books…

And the money wasted trying too many new things…

I tried all the traditional ways…

Don't get me wrong… Investing in stocks and all that work. 

But it's very slow if you don't have a lot of TIME or MONEY first.

This is why I came up with this method…

To devleop a shortcut…

If I knew what I knew now when I first started…

I'd be a billionaire… 

That Was Almost 10+ years Ago, So Fast Forward To Today And It Almost Seems Like A Bad Fever Dream…

I proved the idea of blindly “following the traditional way investing” to be all wrong…

Instead of doing what I do now… 

I'd still be at my job and investing slowly…

…And dreaming of buying my first property… MAYBE my second at this point.

But I'm glad I didn't do it the traditional way…

Now I'm free to do what I want, WHENEVER I want.

And no one can tell me “No” anymore…

I'm in charge of my life now…

I can run marathons at any time of the year…

I have my time back and can spend it with whoever I want…

Unlike traditional investors who are slaves to the market and their graphs…

You see, they will spend all their time worrying about market conditions or how well the stock market performs…

At first I did this for years, and it only drove me insane…

But now I can sit back and relax… I don't care what happens on the news. I don't have to care what company gets bought out…

I don't have to care about black swan events…

I can just collect checks every month… automatically.   

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So What's  The Main Difference With The The Well That Never Runs Dry VS The “Old Way” Of Investing?

I want to hammer this into your head…

The old way requires…

A lot of time… 30 years+

Working every single day at a job you practically have no control over…

Then taking your hard earned cash (after rent, bills, groceries)…

And putting them into a system that only gives you minimal results… 

That's the way everyone does it and it's way too slow…

The Well That Never Runs Dry is a faster way…

It's simple… you start a content/information based business.

You don't need a lot of time, experience or technical knowledge to do this. 

Then you use that money to buy a property each year…

You do it the way I show you and you can live off the passive income each month…

Then you repeat this cycle until all you do is collect checks every month like I do…

You create a well that never runs dry…

This is how I retired at the old age of 33. 

So rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to get a returns and an early retirement…

Just follow my plan instead…

Which Naturally Leads To Things You Never Thought Possible…

I don't want to be super obvious here but…

Money brings more opportunities you didn't even know could happen…

People look at you different…

They treat you better…

They approach you…

You get invited to more and more places…

These are the things I can't really put a price on…

Now, do I care for those things?

Not really, but it's nice to have and mention…

Who knows, maybe I wouldn't have met the friends I have now. Or the lovers I have now if I didn't do it my way…

It’s Actually Crazy How Fast Your Life Could Change If You Only Started Yesterday…

Let me ask you…

How many “Money making/investing” models have you tried or seen over the years?

People who invest in stocks, crypto, their 401k…

It's slow or random…

Or how about starting a digital marketing agency of some sort?

Everyone and their mom has a sales funnel now.

It's harder toto scale than ever…

Or going freelance with a skill like copywriting… living on the beach while you type away on your laptop for thousands…

Well, the market is now flooded with copywriters… I get 5 emails A DAY from them. And there's always someone willing to work for free or less than you.

Its gone and past…

And think about it…

A lot of these “gurus” have gotten pretty quiet all of a sudden…

That's how you know it's harder for everyone…

Well, except me. 

…Because my methods are timeless…

I've been around for 10+ years now. 

And now I'm going to reveal something very disturbing with you…

Do you know why all these “gurus” keep telling you to use the old and traditional ways?

Its to keep you in their ecosystem…

They don't want you to solve your problems…

Because if you did… You wouldn't need them anymore…

And this is how they make a ton of money from you…

As for myself… I reveal it all because I want you to leave… 

Make more money. Have a better life. Pursue more opportunities 

Then you can come back to me when you're in a better state financially… 

I don't want to keep you poor and in a loop of suffering like they do…

I want to lift more people up…

That's why I reveal everything…

Even if it's going to hurt my sales.

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Believing That Compound Interest Is the Holy Grail Of Investing…

And here’s why:

There are two types of “Investors” out there.

There are the ones who understand leverage and there are the ones who put all their hope into speculation…

So let's think about compound interest…

Lets say you have a starting investment of $10,000…

Then every month you put $1000 towards it…

I'll be nice and give you an 8% return…

And let's say you let this compound for 30 years…

You would come out with… $1,460,025.10

This is still not enough to retire on…

And this is assuming you have 30 years and you NEVER miss a month…

Let's say you're a bit older and you do this for only 15 years…

That's only $357,547.06…

See why this is the slow way of doing it? 

You just don't have enough TIME or MONEY.

So don't be one of these slowlane investors… 

Don't get me wrong… this works for sure.

You just need to switch up the strategy…

Which is…

This is Why The Well That Never Runs Dry Approach Works Better

I know this might sound crazy…

But I want you to start a information based business first…

That's right…


…Because I rather create my own cash generating asset that I can use to fuel my well.

When you have money coming in from the business (which can be as fast as 90 days)…

You don't have to slave away at a job making small contributions… I did that before and it ‘s too slow.So here's the deal…

When you join the Well That Never Runs Dry Program… It will show you everything you need to know on Day 1. 

So Here's The $1,000,000 Idea Behind TheThe Well That Never Runs Dry Formula…

Think about it…

There's a lot going on in the world right now…

Everyone is looking for the “new” way to get rich quick…

They jump on trend to trend looking for an easy way out…

But they don't realize the obvious facts right in front of them…

Like how it's easier than ever to make products and businesses online thanks to the internet. 

And you don't need to have any special skills or be very smart…

I've done it many times… I've become a millionaire in 4 different ways because of the internet…

I'm not special

And I know some dumb people making more money then university professors…

So now more and more people want a piece of this…

They put blinders on and can't see what's really happening…

The corporations…

The Billionaires…

The Top 1%…

The Big Firms

They are all attacking real estate…

They aren't chasing trends…

They know Real Estate is the true way to build wealth and retire early… 

It's a system that will never go away after all…

Everyone NEEDS shelter. 

Not everyone needs another Facebook ads agency…

You see, people like you and me weren't supposed to figure this out…

It's why so many people say “Real Estate is Risky…”

They don't want you touching their pie…

And It's not risky at all when you do it my way…

This is why I want you in early before more people figure this out…

Given A Choice I Would Rather Make A Ton Of Money Upfront Than Waste Years Trying to Save it…

And this is where my Well That Never Runs Dry method comes in…

It does this simply in a couple steps…Step 1: Get a high paying job (you might have one already)Step 2: Start a profitable business (could be in 90 days even)Step 3: Use that money to buy a property once a year…Step 4: Live off the passive income it generates…Step 5: Repeat step 3 until you can't spend as much as you make…

And that’s the difference from all the other models…

Your results continue to compound exponentially…

And it's sustainable for 10, 15, 20+ years…

Look, the old way works…

But what I'm saying is this…

If your goal is to retire and enjoy life before 65…

This could be the piece you're missing out on…

This is why my method is different…

People say it's risky…

But how many of them are millionaires like me? In my opinion, it's RISKIER doing it the old way…

I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

Look, when you follow my plan…

You can have a businesses that you control…

You can be on your way to buying a property…

You can start living of the passive income it generates…

Then you can retire and do whatever you really want…

Buy cars, travel to exotic beaches, play with your kids more…

Becoming Financially free won't be something you will have to worry about ever again…

It's practically automatic when you get on my level…

Checks come in….

I work when I want to…

I spend my time however I feel like…

My life is in my hands…

The hard part is done for you…

The thinking and strategy is there for you to download…

The years of trial and error can be skipped…

Here's what I want you to do right now…

Press the damn button and join me/my team for a free assessment…

Mark the day on your calendrer and show up…

If you're a good fit then we can talk about where to go next…That’s how easy this is…

The first step starts with you…

Click the button to get started today.

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Years Ago If Anyone Else Told Me This Model Existed I Would Have Brushed Them Off Too…

But now I know much more…

And I want to tell you something else…

I don't care how many times you tried starting your own business…

I don't care how many times you've tried to invest in real estate before…

I don't care how many years you've already put into the stock market…

I will promise you this…

You can do this…

You can live life on your own terms…

You can break free from the daily routine…

You can be more than you are now…

You just need the right model…

And let me tell you another thing…

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

I know it's a lonely road to the top… 

But there's plenty of people just like you searching for true freedom…

Here's a few from my private community…

“He’s expanded the way I take life and expanded my knowledge base.” — Daniel

“John helped me build a multi 6 figure business in less than 18 months.” — Gregory

“John helped me tremendously during my salary negotiations and helped me squeeze another $5000 to $10000.” — Wallace

“He seems to genuinely care about his clients and that’s a good experience.” — Conrad

“I was able to pick up the intuitive ways of how to invest and how to really look at money.” — Sanjay

“John has a surprising amount of knowledge. All of it was super helpful for growing my business and becoming a better person in general.” — Johnny

“I lost a bunch of weight working with John’s ideas. I’ve lost over 100 pounds since. And he’s one of the reasons why I’m still alive.” — Christopher

“It’s a great community all around. You get a lot of support and accountability. It helps you move towards your goals in every aspect of your life.” — Michael

“It gave me answers I didn't know I was looking for. It turned out to be a life changing decision.” — Andrew

“Now I have a plan. That gives me hope and I’m less confused now.” — Serge

“I’m taking more initiative. I’m being more specific about my goals and I’m actually accomplishing them.” — Vincent

“The Bulldog Mindset has changed my life. It helped me take action and seeing others take action helps me stay motivated and on track.” — Daniel

“I’ve been way more productive since I started. My amount of dedication towards the business has improved drastically. My goal is to get the business to a 7 figure business.” — Parker

“When I joined John's live sessions it excited me. I got to hear stories from other men — about how they want to eat the world and have a great life. I really identify with this community. You won’t find another private community anywhere else.— Carlos

“This has been the most successful year financially. A lot of that is due to the Bulldog Mindset.” — Antony

“Before I started following John. I wouldn't have applied for this job. It would have been plain sailing and coasting through life. I applied for it and actually got the job.” — Sean

“The pillars it’s built upon are important in my life — like career, social life and health. The content, especially the content not on YouTube is very good. There’s some diamonds in the course that helped me a lot.” — Martin

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And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This

It took me almost decades to “figure all this out”…

…And another couple years to perfect it.

There's honestly not much for you to figure out on your own…

I did the hard work so you don't have to…I've already cracked the code…

You just need to talk to me or my team too see if you're ready or not…

I want you to be in a position to implement and hit the ground running…

That’s it…

Here’s The Exact 5 Step By Step SystemRevealed In The The Well That Never Runs Dry Program ForFinancial Freedom And Early Retirement 

Step 1: Get a high paying job (you might have one already) – If you're in debt and can't make rent… then we need to get you out first.

Step 2: Start a profitable business (could be in 90 days even) – I'll show/give you the blueprint to my own business. You can copy and paste the model and can make money pretty quickly.

Step 3: Use that money to buy a property once a year. I'll show you how to buy a property without having to mange it or do repairs yourself.

Step 4: Live off the passive income it generates. You'll be able to cover most of your expenses with just the way I show you (could be 3000 – 5000 right away)

Step 5: Repeat step 3 until you can't spend as much as you make. Now you have a Well that lasts for a lifetime. Just like mine…

This is what You'll get when you receive instant access to The Well That Never Runs Dry program… all in detail.

But that's just the start…

Here's What Else You're Going To Discover In The The Well That Never Runs Dry Program…

  • How To Buy Your First Property Within The Next 30 Days
  • The Easy Way To Create Profitable Courses And Products
  • A Copy And Paste Business Blueprint To Model Off Of
  •  How To Cheat And Get A High Paying Software Developer Job
  • My Legal Loophole And Risk Free Method To Buying Properties
  • How I Work 20 Hours A Week With My Productivity System
  • A Masterclass on Self-Confidence So You Can Do This With No Effort
  • And Way More Inside…

I'll also give you 6 months of coaching from me personally…

You'll be able to pick my brain and ask me anything…

So you're probably wondering at this point…

“Why the hell would you share this with everyone if most gurus are scared to give away 10% of what you offer… there is a catch right?”

The quick answer is this…

I've made my money…

I've retired at 33…

Now, I want to play this game just for the love of it…

It's a game that I want to get really good at…

I have that luxury…

However… I've seen other people push out crap…

I've seen them keep guys on a treadmill of suffering and self-doubt…

I want to be the one to break them out of it…

To wake them up and show them the REAL way to freedom…

And my hope is that you'll love it so much that you'll tell all your friends about it for years to come…

Here's What You're Getting In The Well That Never Runs Dry Program…

Well That Never Runs Dry Course

The core program to get you from broke to retired within the next 10 – 15 years. It's the same roadmap I used to create my real-estate empire. Allows you to skip the years of pain, time and effort I went through. 

(Value: $499.97)

90 Day Profitable Business Blueprint

I'll show you how to build a profitable 5 – 10k a month business within 90 days. You don't need much to start or even any real tech skills to begin. It's never been easier to do this. Even 16 year old kids are doing it right now…

(Value: $499.97)

Buy Your First Property in 30 Days

Real estate is not risky when you do it my way. In fact, it's the opposite. I'll prove it to you in this module. You'll see that it's only “scary” because other people want you out of the system…

(Value: $399.97)

High Performer 10x Productivity Secrets

If you want to work less and get more done, this is the module for you. This is how I do more work in 4 hours than others will do in a whole week. I created a system for you to plug and play into your daily life.

(Value: $199.97)

Bulldog Mindset Exclusive Platinum/Lifetime Membership

Join a community of high performing men. The road to the top is lonely so having a group of good people around you is key. Plus, I'll cover topics that will get you more money, more dates, more muscles and a lot less stress in your life. 

(Value: $2,666)

Weekly Group Coaching Calls with John Sonmez (Me)

Join our group coaching calls where we can go over your problems and situations. You don't have to figure all this out on your own. I am here to show you the way. 

(Value: $6,000)


Plus I'm Going To Give You These 3 Bonuses: 

Courses that Convert

This is how you make products that sell for 5k – 10k a month. Without much experience or technical knowledge. It's way easier than you think…

(Value: $49)

Self Confidence Masterclass

The only thing separating you from the other guys is your self-confidence. Once you understand WHY you feel the way you do… You can actually do something to change it. Success comes easily after. 

(Value: $49)

Passive Income Masterclass

I'll show you a few practical ways you could make $1000 a month while sleeping. It's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. All you have to do is understand HOW. 

(Value: $49)

Click the button to get started today.

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This Secret Won’t Last And I Don't Work With Anyone…

Here's the truth…

I was planning on releasing this program for at least $10,000…

But that meant saying “No” to a lot of guys…

And I was convinced to drop it down to around $5000…

BUT I would only do so if I got to work with really qualified and motivated guys.

That's the only catch…

This is why I want people to talk to my team first (unless I do some sort of promotion)…

“So why don't I release this all for free then?”

Look, I worked on this for years…

I put in my own time and money…

Do you call a plumber over to fix your sink then ask him why he doesn't do it for free?

No you don't. 

So I won't either…

And if that's how you feel… then maybe you should try someone else…

You'll be back here once you realize the truth again… 

By Lowering The Price To Around $5,000 $3000 $1500 (x4) It Allows Me To Impact MorePeople And Help Them Achieve Financial Freedom And Retire Early…

A win/win in my eyes…

Because think about it…

If you make 65,000 to 100,000 a year… 

$5000$3000 $1500 x4 isn't going to make or break you…

But another property…

Or an extra 30k a month will change everything for you…

A very small investment to pay…

One I would take every day…

Plus, I'm hoping the Program impresses you that you come to me for personal coaching or something I do in the future…This is just the start of out business relationship…

So with all of that said, this is a limited offer…

There's no guarantee I will keep it at tis price or you will see this page exactly as it is now…

And speaking of guarantees… 



100%TRANSPARENCY Guarantee…

I have conviction in what I do…

So I want to make sure you're 100% satisficed before you hop on the program…

Before you get into anything…

I want you to know exactly what you're getting into…

So here's how it all works: 

I want you to talk with my team…

There's going to be a button below that I want you to press…

Pick a time and date on the calendar… 

Show up and we will see where you are at in your financial freedom journey…

We will talk and figure it out together…

And if you're 100% satisfied with the answers…

I'll invite you to join. 

HOWEVER… if you're not quite ready to join…

I will send you on your way and NOT take your money. 

I want it to be a choice you make for yourself…

So how's that for you…

Not like those “gurus” who demand you to buy all the time huh…

And since you’ve made it this far… 

I’ll assume that you’re ready to talk, so with that in mind…

Click the button to get started today.

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YouNow Have A Choice To Make…

Still here? 

Then I want you ask yourself a question…


Really think about it…

Who do you want to be with this is all over?

Do you still want to be working for scraps the rest of your life? 

Or the one who actually gets to use their money on whatever you want…Do you want to be the one stressing out about bills each month?

Or the one…

Who can lift others up when they ask you for help? 

Do you want to be the one without a house while all your friends get married and move into theirs? 

Or the the one who doesn't care what the price is whenever you have to pay for something?

Do you want to be the one everyone looks up to and respects? 

Or the one your family says to avoid because you have nothing of value to give? 

Look I get it… 

You will have moments of doubt…

But doubts come with everything in life…

Especially when destiny is calling for you…

But at some point your brain has to kick in…

Your quality of life could be going up…

Your bank account numbers could be reaching the moon…

While stress, worry and frustration could be going down…

So the real question is…

How can you see what I've shown you and NOT do this…

How can you be a person aiming for freedom when you're still doing the same thing over and over again… 

Just think about this…

The decision you're about to make is not just for today…

It's for the rest of your life…

Will you find yourself full of regret because you pass up this opportunity? 

You still have time but it won't last forever…

If you don't do it now then when? 

When it gets easier? 

Let me tell you… it's easy to do it NOW. 

Right NOW is the time to do it…

Now is the time to do the right thing for yourself…

For your family…

For your legacy…

For your future…

Take back what they took from you…

Earn your time back…

Hit that button below…

Go ahead and do it…

that button has the power to change it all for you…

Take your first step to financial freedom and retiring early…

Choose freedom…

Choose change…

Choose a 2nd chance at life…

Hit the button below…

You have nothing to lose…

Take back control of your life…

You're one call away…

Hit the button.

If you made it this far then I know you're serious.,.

I've proven it works for me…

For others…

And It can work for you…

So that button is waiting for you…

At this point it's mot just a button…

It's your plan for freedom…

It's your springboard to a life in your hands…

It's your permission to break free…

To be more than you ever dreamed of…

Hit the button.

Do it now.

Or live in regret that you wish you did.

Hit the button below…

I’ll see you on the other side where I'll show you the way…

Click the button to get started today.

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Bulldog Mindset

500 Westover Dr #7981, Sanford NC, 27330

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