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The bonds of Brotherhood forged the greatest warriors to ever walk this earth… 

Discover the forgotten method Spartans used to transform weak, undisciplined and unmotivated 7 year old boys into — fearless warriors using the highly effective “Agoge” mentoring system

By adopting ancient Spartan wisdom, their environment and habits. Together we can become powerful, truly disciplined and transform into the strongest versions of ourselves. We can become modern day — Spartan elites.

Dear Brother,

Warriors are created, not born. 

But modern society has made a lot of men soft. 

Which is a shame because if you look around you. All the progress and great things were created by men

Men came together to create advanced machinery and amazing technology — for the benefit of all.

But modern society and the influencing forces don’t want men to unite together anymore. 

They want to secretly keep us down. 

The amount of male spaces is disappearing and they plan to isolate us.


That’s why we must cultivate the bonds of Brotherhood

When we stand together. 

We create an impenetrable phalanx (shield wall formation) — that is impossible to defeat. 

Each warrior stood side by side. 

Holding massive 30 pound bronze shields that protected each other.

  • The brothers supported each other. 
  • The brothers taught and learned together.. 
  • Each brother fought and died for the brotherhood. 

Together they became great and accomplished feats — no single man could do. 

Without the bonds of brotherhood, every man failed to reach his full potential.

He let his life slip away. 

But for those that believed in it. 

That aspect allowed them to overcome the 3 greatest fears each man faces in life. 

I’ll go over those fears later. 

I know men’s issues run very deep. Because I ran into these issues myself.


I did everything right, like everyone told me to do. But I was still lazy and unmotivated.

I was able to work hard and provide for myself. But I still felt miserable and alone. 

I was a good guy but women still ignored me. 

Eventually, I was able to turn it all around using the Spartan “Agoge” method. 

Because of it, I was able to build successful businesses. 

I’m able to own multiple rental properties. 

My health and looks have never been this amazing. I even have 6 pack abs (I used to be very fat.) 

I’m not saying this to brag.

This is about the greater picture. 

If this could work for an average guy like me. Then this can work for men of any age.   

But more on all that later…

When I asked for help, I was always told  to “man up…

The solution isn’t to “man uplike everyone keeps telling us.


We’re often left alone to figure everything out. Often with no guide and no help from anyone. 

To just “pull yourself up by the bootstraps.” 

Times have changed and that no longer works

Instead, we must learn from the past and adapt it to modern times. 

That’s why the Spartans raised their boys to become fearless warriors.

They did it using the “Agoge” mentoring system. 

Embrace these wise teachings to become fearless in life. 

When Spartan babies are born…

They are put through a vigorous screening selection. 

The fathers would take their child to be examined by the state elders. If the baby did not pass the inspection. The father abandoned the child to the wilds. 

It is estimated that nearly half the babies born. Did not survive. 

When a child reached the age of 7 years old. They were welcomed into the Spartan army. 

They were assigned a mentor that would guide them through their training. 

This education system was called the “Agoge.

Their training was DIFFERENT comparedto our modern ways of schooling.

Everything was a test. 

These boys were challenged and provoked. They pushed each other and were encouraged to resolve disputes on their own. 

They were put into harsh situations and given scarce resources. 

They were given barely enough food. 

They weren’t allowed to wear shoes.

They made their own beds with what they could find in the field. They were given a single cloak to protect themselves.  

This environment prepared them for life on the battlefield. 

The most important part of this training was what happened every night. 

One of the masters would sit down and teach the boys. 

He guided them in subjects like poetry, writing, reading, mathematics,  rhetoric and military warfare. 

But the master encouraged the boys to question him. 

He expected the boys to support their answers with reason and logic. He encouraged witty and fast answers. 

This constant stream of teachings and wisdom – molded the boys into proper men. 

They were taught what fearless warriors needed to know and nothing else.

Eventually these boys would graduate the “Agoge” and join a military unit.


There they trained to become a valued member. Because every soldier in his phalanx was his family. 

They trained together. They suffered together. They endured together. 

The phalanx unit stayed together until death


Through the bonds of Brotherhood. The Spartans became the most powerful warriors in all of Greece. 

They faced their fears with stoicism and were known to endure any hardship.

So who am I and why am I telling you this story? 

My name is John Sonmez and I've been there.

I've been lazy. I've been rejected, needy, lost, depressed, anxious. I've felt the sting of failure. I know what it is to not be good enough. I know the pain of rejection and what it is to question one's beliefs and very existence.

But I was able to turn it all around. I was able to join the top 10% of men even though I had all of that against me. 

I was able to conquer the 3 fears men typically face. 

Let me tell you my story…

I had a mediocre childhood.

I had a good family. No real hardships. No real tests or trials to go through.

But I was a very shy, introverted, dorky, self-conscious, unathletic, apologetic and a weak child.

Don't get me wrong. 

I was kind-hearted and well meaning. 

I did what I was told. Get a high paying job, be a nice guy and everything will come to me. That’s the dream right?


In this world, all that doesn't really count for much anymore. 

Times have changed for us men. 

Things didn't change for me as I got older. In many regards, I got worse. I grew up but I didn't know how to become a man. 

I was simply an older boy.

I became a software developer and had some success in that profession but something was missing. 

I was just going through the motions of life. Living my life like everyone else. 

There was no spark. 

No fire.

I was wasting my potential and letting it all slip away.

I lived my life in fear. 

The fear grew. 

It expanded and filled many areas of my life. I developed a fear of flying, of roller coasters and even the dark. 

I was afraid of losing what I built, afraid I wasn't good enough. 

Afraid I could never be worthy of love. I was afraid of people. Of women in particular. 

Life scared me. 

Death scared me more.

I had gotten in shape and became somewhat of an athlete in high school. But I only did it for validation and the approval of others. 

That faded and I became fat, unkempt and ugly.

Since my worth was based on what others thought of me — and not what I thought of myself.

I lacked self-respect.

I finally reached a point in my life where I had had enough.

I was sick of what I had become.

I was disgusted with my life and my failures. 

Even though most people would have considered me successful, I knew I was not living up to my potential.

I knew I was a weak, fat, lazy coward. 

I knew in my heart of hearts that I was meant for much more than that.

It’s funny, that feeling became my reality. More on that later… 

When I was in Hawaii, living on the beach, I came across an interesting book, by Ryan Holiday called “The Obstacle is the Way.

This book first introduced me to the concept of stoic philosophy and ancient Roman philosophy.

Which teaches the idea of building internal strength and resilience to the point of being unaffected by the things outside of our control in life.

This book and idea, along with a few other personal development books I was reading at the time like Psychocybernetics, Think and Grow Rich, and The Power of Now.

I started to shift my focus from what I could accomplish or gain — to what I could become.

It was a gradual shift. 

I started moving more and more into the direction of what I now call the Bulldog Mindset.

That's about the time I discovered Tony Robbins.

I had heard of Tony Robbins but I always thought he was some ridiculous whack-job who sold people snake oil. 

I decided to read one of the books. I read through Awaken the Giant Within and I was impressed.

I expected the book to be filled with a bunch of “feelgood mumbo jumbo.


But instead it has some real practical psychology about what makes us who we are and do what we do.

I ended up doing something I never ever thought I'd do in my life. 

I paid over $5,000 to go to Tony Robbin's biggest seminar, Date With Destiny.

I almost left the first day, because instead of a class on self-development. 

It was a bunch of people dancing around and giving each other hugs. I really was wondering how many of these people “drank the Kool-aid.

But, I'm glad I stayed because that event changed the course of my life.

My life was already changing, but most of the changes had not yet come to the surface. 

This was the event that boiled over what was stirring inside me.

When I came back from Date With Destiny, I came back a changed man.

You might even say that I started to BECOME a man really for the first time.

That seminar had forced me to take a real honest assessment of myself.


It forced me to face some harsh realities and decide who I really was — and who I wanted to become.

One of the most important concepts I learned from Date With Destiny was what true masculinity was…

What it meant to be a man.

I really didn't understand this concept before, so I started researching it more and more. 

I read books like:

The Way of the Superior Man

The Way of Men

Iron John

The Rational Male

And as many books about the topic as I could find. 

I began to realize that one was not simply a man by virtue of growing up as a boy — and reaching a certain age.

I began to realize one had to become a man, by facing his fears, stepping into the darkness and lighting a spark deep within himself.

That spark was lit… and a fire grew.

When I got back from Date With Destiny, one of the first things I did was to shave my head. 

As a reminder to my commitments to stop living life with caution and fear and to go all in with everything I had.

One of the most powerful things Tony Robbins said at Date With Destiny was:

The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with.

I was trying to create a fortress of certainty in my life.

Financially, emotionally, physically, mentally, I sought out more than anything certainty and comfort. 

The whole reason I wanted to retire young (at 33) was so I can take a rest and relax.

My relationships were equally based on certainty. I behaved in such a way to be accepted by people or to please them. 

I didn't want to risk losing them or losing favor with them. I wanted the certainty of love, which I didn't realize I could only get from myself.

My new philosophy became embrace uncertainty” 

To take risks.

To live my life to the fullest and not hold back. 

To accept whatever consequences that come as a result.

Instead of fearing uncertainty, I welcome it.

Instead of avoiding fear and trying to dispel it.  

I found the higher virtue of courage. I realized that a life lived in fear was not a life at all.

It was all coming together and started to pay off in spades. 

One by one, I began to tackle all of my fears.

I was afraid to fly on airplanes, so instead of trying to avoid the fear, I simply embraced it. 

Chose to have courage instead and I said to myself…

“If I die, I die, but I will refuse to go throughout life without living.”

In the next few years I took dozens of airplane trips all over the world. 

I visited places I had never thought I'd get to see. 

The courage I was building quickly vanquished the fear.

I decided to go to the scariest roller coasters and rides I could find. The ones that always terrified me as both a kid and adult…

I went on them all. 

I was afraid, but it didn't matter. I didn't try to run away or hide from the fear, I confronted it.

I repeated this with every fear in my life, from social anxiety to getting punched in the face.

I took huge risks, personally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, in relationships, even financially. 

I didn't always win, but I always survived and eventually came out on top.

I began to realize the power of courage.

I began to realize that I could endure pain and suffering. 

That I could endure hunger, emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, embarrassment.

I specifically began to train my body and my mind — to face all of those trials and more.

I changed my psychology and my inner talk. What other people said or thought or did no longer had power over me.

I no longer sought out external validation. Instead, I valued my own view of myself higher than anyone else's judgement.

I stopped caring what other people thought and I started caring about what I thought.

And that is my journey, but my journey is not over…

I transformed myself in many ways. 

I've become mentally, physically and emotionally strong and resilient. I developed this process of self-immolation in what I now call the Bulldog Mindset.

So what does my story have to do with Spartans and the promise of brotherhood?


You see, in isolation all of this took forever to learn. 

I’m one of the lucky ones. 

A lot of men don’t ever reach this level of self-realization. 

Most men will never reach their full potential. Because they remain isolated and alone. 

We’re in a new age now. Technology connects us more than ever. 

But more and more men feel lost…

We’ve lost the connections and community that bind us together. 

That’s the missing link that is preventing a lot of guys from pursuing their purpose. 

So for those feeling unmotivated, intense loneliness, and feelings of guilt. 

It’s not entirely their fault. 

We’ve forgotten what a strong Brotherhood can do for us. So the solution is to bring that back into the modern age.

To conquer those fears faster…

I found that by surrounding myself with masculine, successful and strong men.

It greatly influenced my thoughts, actions and behaviors.  

I would push myself to my limits and accomplish more than I ever could on my own. 

  • We can see this throughout history as well. The Spartans united under King Leonidas to become the most feared warriors ever.
  • Genghis Khan and his horde ruled most of Asia, Russia, the Middle East and eastern Europe.
  • The legendary Samurai Nobunaga and his clan brought half of mainland Japan under his rule. 

We’ve seen this time and time again. 

All it takes is the right teacher and a strong brotherhood to achieve great things. 

I’ve been in many masterminds and action oriented groups. 

Some I had to pay over 10k to just join. 

But here's the problem I find with most groups run by these “goo-roos.”

The content they teach is often watered down BS you can find anywhere on the internet. 

They don’t even know if what they teach even works. They usually don’t have the expertise or experience. 

The content they offer also ends very early. It gives people barely any depth or time to put them into practice.

I’ve decided to fix this problem by bringing back the Spartan’s “Agoge” style of mentoring. Minus the beatings of course.

That's how the Bulldog Mindset Membership came into existence.


At first I started small and only invited a handful of people to join.

I wanted this group to be full of high quality men striving for greatness. 

After testing and working on the membership. It continues to grow and gets better every day. 

My goal is to Bring back the bonds of Brotherhood. To lift more men up to my level. 

I currently have over 900 members. 

These men are from all walks of life. From young students to experienced veterans. 

All these men joined to become better versions of themselves under my guidance. 

  • We have guys now running marathons even though they never ran in their life. 

  • We have guys making over 6 figures a year and starting their own businesses. 

  • We have men who are masters of social dynamics and dating. 

That's why I created The Bulldog Mindset Membership. 

It's a private and exclusive group for men. It's invite only. 

In this group, members get direct access to me through monthly Q&A sessions. 

Anyone can ask me anything. Nothing is off limits.

No matter what kind of fear plagues you. I can handle it and guide you on the right path… 


Members are surrounded by action takers and high achievers. They’ll receive support and accountability. 

But here's a part of the membership that marks it special. 

Every week I release training videos on the topics of health, wealth, relationships and mindset. 

Just like the old masters did for the Spartans. 

This training is highly relevant for any man that needs guidance. 

It’s timeless content and secrets I’ve discovered throughout my years of success.  

Most “goo-roos” won’t have this level of experience. They also overcharge for their watered down material. 

The amount of training inside is easily worth 10's or even 100’s of thousands. It’s not easily found throughout the net. 

It’s all based on my personal experiences and proven to work. 

It’s the missing link most guys are looking for…

It's the fastest and easiest way to destroy:

  • Our fear of mortality…
  • Our fear of weakness…
  • Our fear of social anxiety…

So let me Introduce…

The Bulldog Mindset Membership.

Access to the exclusive Brotherhood and…

The Bulldog Mindset Core Pillars Program. 

Over 69+ hours of content — to quickly refer back to at any time…

Members get full access to commercial free, exclusive video content. 

This content is NOT available on the YouTube channel or anywhere else. 

What I offer here will definitely get removed or censored on platforms like YouTube eventually. 

They don’t want men to figure this out.

This is currently the best place to get my in-depth tutorials and training. 

Content is being added and updated. I am still adding new content every week. I want to offer as much value as I can and help as many people. 

Members can also download the lesson mind-maps and cheat sheets for quick reference.

Members get full access right away. All they need is an internet connection. 

Members will also be personally invited to the private group. Where members can interact and help each other out. 

Here’s a look at some of the topics covered inside the Core Pillars Program:

Bulldog Mindset Module 1

Mindset Lessons

  • The ONLY mindset for success. Why we live and die by this
  • How any man can maximize their potential and make the most out of their time
  • The true skill of working with no motivation or depression
  • Maximize productivity by using this surefire method
  • Exactly when to give up
  • These game changer hacks for being productive
  • The often misunderstood concept of true freedom
  • The ONE best way to handle failure in life
  • What is “Beneficial pain” and how to use it to grow
  • How to overcome the fear of one’s mortality and loneliness
  • How to rewire the brain to stop bad behaviors and addictions. How “The Rubber Band Effect” works
  • How we live one day is how we live every day
  • Trust The Process. Follow the correct process to get results
  • Surprising solutions to taking back control in life
  • How to build trust within ourselves and what to do when we fall off the wagon
  • And much more…

Wealth Lessons

  • My biggest secrets to wealth, business and entrepreneurship
  • How to escape financial prisons by doing this ONE thing
  • How to make money from a business using these timeless techniques
  • How all the top businesses use email marketing to produce the biggest ROI
  • How to develop and launch the perfect product for an audience
  • Everyone must learn “The Wealth Triangle” to build true wealth in life
  • Creating a “Well That Never Runs Dry.” The insider secrets to financial security and “passive income generators”
  • The surprising reason why real estate investing is the best investment
  • The quick start guide to real estate investing for newbies
  • Why most “Guru’s” beliefs on money are completely wrong
  • The 4 step process for quitting a job — to become a full time entrepreneur
  • Exploring other avenues of income sources that work
  • How to automate a business and the “passive income” myth
  • The truth behind insurance and health insurance
  • Setup the right systems for working remotely
  • And much more…

Fitness Lessons

  • The “Domino effect” to train the lazy out of us
  • The proper way to build a highly aesthetic physique
  • Why most people get nutrition and diet very wrong
  • A real life insight into my workouts, diets and supplements
  • Maximize fat loss by copying my foolproof running routine
  • Why most people fail at losing weight and sticking to their diets
  • How to get 6 pack abs!
  • Building big arms that get noticed by everyone
  • What you must know about extreme dieting and how it affects the body and mind
  • A complete description into performance enhancing drugs (SARMS / Steroids / TRT)
  • The vital element to why diet is 90% mental. The best way to structure cheat meals and diet breaks
  • What should we do when we get injured or sick
  • How to push beyond limits and go further. What to do when we get stuck
  • What to do when we reach a plateau in life
  • The 12 most common fitness and diet myths
  • And much more…

Social Lessons

  • The first steps for mastering the psychology of attraction
  • Where to lead conversations with women after the initial approach
  • How NOT to fail physical escalation with women
  • The truth behind fear and developing courage
  • Avoid these common mistakes 80% of men make when entering a long term relationship
  • How to become a sexual beast in the bedroom that keeps her coming for more
  • Mastering frame control to become more influential
  • The often overlooked tactics for maximizing your looks
  • A number of practical things to develop our masculinity
  • Overcome our feelings of inadequacy (with a member case study)
  • The only way to gain genuine confidence. Why situational confidence isn’t as good as overall confidence
  • A number of techniques to de-escalate physical confrontations and tips when there is no other option but to fight
  • Why 90% of men will never succeed at dating. What to do if results aren’t coming in
  • How to make anyone like us. The powerful hidden techniques to dominate any social interaction
  • Highly effective tactics to become the life of the party
  • And much more…

+ Plus downloadable mind-maps and cheat sheets for quick reference.

And much more content (updated weekly.)

Total Value: ($197+)

So how does it all work? 

Every week, I’ll record a training video that I will upload to the membership area. 

Only members can access this training. The weeks will rotate between topics like health, wealth, relationships and mindset. 

Then members can discuss and ask questions in the private group. Members will also join me on the many bonuses which I’ll get into in a minute. 

This training and membership is modeled like the Spartan “Agoge.” It’s a male space where I encourage members to challenge themselves and each other. 

That’s how we all grow. Make friends and support each other. 

Members become part of a community. A Brotherhood for life. 

But not everyone is happy with this kind of group.

The media, institutional and other controversial groups. 

Want men to be isolated. 

So I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep this group going. But I’ll try and fight them. 

They want to stop me from sharing this type of guidance and information. 

These people don’t want critical thinkers. They want slaves. They don’t want men to free themselves. 

To become independent. 

To rise up and become fearless warriors. 

But I will stand my ground for as long as I can. 

That is my mission that I bring to all men. 

To bring true freedom in all aspects of their lives. To allow them to live a life full of experience and potential. 

To not let these lives slip away through the cracks of society. 

Now at this point many will wonder “what’s the catch?

How do I join this Brotherhood?

I’ll get into that in a second. But let's explain my experiences. I have joined masterminds and private groups at 10k a year before. 

I’ve had the best experts personally coach me at thousands of dollars per hour. 


I’ve also spent countless hours and decades testing my methods. 

I’ve read hundreds of books and ran thousands of miles in marathons. I’ve spent years testing my diet and workout routines. 

So I could easily charge 25,000 dollars to have people join my membership. The amount of time, money and frustration saved is worth it for most members. 

But since I’m retired, I want to help men out. I don’t need that money. 

But I can’t let just anyone in. I want men who are serious about their growth. 

So I tested and put the entry fee to 39 a month. I got a lot of members at this entry price. 

But I want to grow this membership faster. More and more guys need guidance nowadays. 

That’s why I’m running this campaign. 

So right now I'm offering a 30 day trial period for only 7 bucks.

After clicking that button and completing the checkout. New members will receive an email with log-in details.

Once new members log-in, they can join the private group. They also have FULL access to the library of training and the bonuses inside. 

Speaking of that, here’s the bonuses that members have access to…


  • Access to our exclusive Brotherhood only Bulldogs Group. Where you have access to our coaches and other members. Where you can get instant feedback.
  • Receive help on any issues or obstacles that are blocking your pursuit of success.
  • Access to weekly group challenges.

BONUS 2: MONTHLY Q&A ACCESS – Valued at $249

  • Monthly community member only webinar/Q&A session. Where you get to ask me whatever is on your mind and get it answered right away!


  • VIP Access to live broadcasts and interviews with leading men.
  • Get front-of-the-line access to ALL live broadcasts and Interviews before they're published on the YouTube channel.


  • My personal hand picked book recommendations and summaries.
  • Don’t have time to read or just want the cliff notes of the best books out there? Every month, you’ll get all the key takeaways from each book of the month with my own personal notes in under 20 minutes!


  • Exclusive access to my private Strava Running Group.
  • Take your fitness to the next level by seeing how you stack up against other Bulldog members.
  • Join virtual running events and break through distances you never thought possible.

BONUS 6: PRIVATE BOOK CLUB – Valued at $29

  • Every month, I'll choose a theme to study and go deep in it together.
  • Topics including: Mindset, Investing, Dating, Fitness, Business etc…
  • I’ll share handpicked books to read – books that I’m currently reading or have already read. No more books that are full of fluff and don’t actually help you.

The Bulldog Mindset Membership

The Total Value Of The Program And Bonuses: $582Members that join today will save: $575Members Get Full Access For Only: $7

The Cancel Anytime, Zero Hassle, No Contract GUARANTEE

Most members stay for months and even years. The value inside is already changing lives.

I have no doubt about the value given. 

But for any reason… 

Maybe you hate my voice. Maybe I’m too aggressive. Or maybe The Brotherhood isn’t working for some reason. 

Anyone can cancel at any time. 

I want this to be as easy as possible for everyone. I want commitment but only if they choose to give it. 

Make sure to cancel before the 30 day trial ends. 

Also if any member needs help at all. 

Contact support and they will help out. 


Now if anyone is still reading this. They have two options. 

They can continue their journey alone and isolated. Not living up to their potential. 

Wasting away what life they have left of them. Allowing the external forces to control them until time runs out. 

They can continue down the path they’ve always been on. To remain asleep at the wheel of life. 

Or they can embrace what is in front of them at this moment. They can take the first step to developing their fearless selves. 

They can take the first step to overcoming laziness, fear and anxiety.


They can join a Brotherhood of like minded men that will support them. 

The choice is clear to me. But that choice is always in their hands. I can’t force anyone to join. 

It’s their choice if they want to change their lives forever. 

There’s no certainty that I will be around forever to share my wisdom. Same with this Brotherhood. 

I don’t know when they will strike me down or attempt to ban me. But It can happen any day now… 

“Molon Labe”

So I urge anyone on the fence to give this a shot. They have nothing to lose. 

But everything to gain…

The Bulldog Mindset Membership

  • Core Pillar Program: 69+ hours of training content (Valued at: $197)
  • BONUS 1: Exclusive access to private members group (Valued at: $29)
  • BONUS 2: Access to monthly Q&A live stream (Valued at: $249)
  • BONUS 3: Priority access to exclusive interviews (Valued at: $49)
  • BONUS 4: My personal hand picked book summaries (Valued at: $29)
  • BONUS 5: Exclusive access to my Strava running club (Valued at: $29)
  • BONUS 6: Access to private Book Club (Valued at: $29)

The Total Value Of The Program And Bonuses: $582Members that join today will save: $575Members Get Full Access For Only: $7

-John SonmezFounder, Bulldog MindsetCEO, Simple ProgrammerP.S. — Don’t take my word for it. Here’s a small sample of current members and their wins.

“He’s expanded the way I take life and expanded my knowledge base.” — Daniel

“John helped me build a multi 6 figure business in less than 18 months.” — Gregory

“John helped me tremendously during my salary negotiations and helped me squeeze another $5000 to $10000.” — Wallace

“He seems to genuinely care about his clients and that’s a good experience.” — Conrad

“I was able to pick up the intuitive ways of how to invest and how to really look at money.” — Sanjay

“John has a surprising amount of knowledge. All of it was super helpful for growing my business and becoming a better person in general.” — Johnny

“I lost a bunch of weight working with John’s ideas. I’ve lost over 100 pounds since. And he’s one of the reasons why I’m still alive.” — Christopher

“It’s a great community all around. You get a lot of support and accountability. It helps you move towards your goals in every aspect of your life.” — Michael

“It gave me answers I didn't know I was looking for. It turned out to be a life changing decision.” — Andrew

“Now I have a plan. That gives me hope and I’m less confused now.” — Serge

“I’m taking more initiative. I’m being more specific about my goals and I’m actually accomplishing them.” — Vincent

“The Bulldog Mindset has changed my life. It helped me take action and seeing others take action helps me stay motivated and on track.” — Daniel

“I’ve been way more productive since I started. My amount of dedication towards the business has improved drastically. My goal is to get the business to a 7 figure business.” — Parker

“When I joined John's live sessions it excited me. I got to hear stories from other men — about how they want to eat the world and have a great life. I really identify with this community. You won’t find another private community anywhere else.— Carlos

“This has been the most successful year financially. A lot of that is due to the Bulldog Mindset.” — Antony

“Before I started following John. I wouldn't have applied for this job. It would have been plain sailing and coasting through life. I applied for it and actually got the job.” — Sean

“The pillars it’s built upon are important in my life — like career, social life and health. The content, especially the content not on YouTube is very good. There’s some diamonds in the course that helped me a lot.” — Martin


frequently asked questions

Q: “Too old to join?”

A: No. We have members of all ages. Young students to men with tons of life wisdom and experience. 

Q: “Why do we have to pay to join?”

A: People don’t value free anymore. I found that when someone puts skin in the game. They actually watch the content and take action on it.

Q: “Why do we have to join now?”

A: Every time we stand still in life, we are actually getting worse. That’s why a constant stream of teaching and action is needed. By joining now, members can accelerate their success and remove themselves from bad situations faster. 

Q: “Why is it called the Bulldog Mindset?”

A: I hated the name at first. But once I learned that once Bulldogs bite onto something. They never let go. I want everyone to become that strong in life. To become finishers. 

Q: “OK, but what about the mindset part”

A: I found that most tactics and techniques work. But without the proper mindset, most people end up failing. So a huge part of what I teach deals with mindset, limiting beliefs, confidence etc. 

Q: “Can I cancel and come back?”

A: My group is allowed free movement. Come and go as you please. But I urge many to commit or they won’t see results as fast

Q: “How does the trial work?”

A: 7 bucks for 30 days. Then it becomes the regular price of 39 a month. It’s like Netflix for the brain. Except members will actually improve their lives. Plus a lot more value offered as well. 

Q: “Can women join?”

A: Sure but all the content is focused on men and their unique issues. If a woman wanted to join to understand men. I don’t see the problem. The content will not change based on that. 

Q: “Do you have an email to reach out to?” 

A: Send any questions to


John is the founder of The Bulldog Mindset. 

He coaches and mentors hundreds of men each year. He trains them on how they can accomplish their fitness goals.

He guides them on how to achieve financial success and how to adopt true core confidence. 

He runs Simple Programmer. He teaches software developers how to develop soft skills. He shows them how to obtain their dream developer jobs… 

John is a public speaker. A public figure. An active real estate investor. A high performance coach. A programmer and wall street best selling author.

John started from average beginnings — but lives a life most men desire. Now he's on a journey to share his methods with more men.

Bulldog Mindset | 500 Westover Dr #7981 Sanford NC, 27330 | For any issues please contact: | Privacy Policy