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Calling out men held back by their low self-esteem

How Any Guy Can Now Use The Simple Method Of “Identity Transformation” To Gain Confidence, Get Rid Of Fears And Talk To Any Woman WITHOUT Faking Confidence

(And Do This Even If He’s NOT Extroverted)

If I were to tell you that you could become the most confident version of yourself in a matter of weeks…

Even if you’re a couch potato in his 20s or 30s with terrible social anxiety…

You’d think I’m lying.

And yet hundreds of men who couldn’t even go up to a beautiful woman and talk without being a nervous wreck…

…have completely changed their life.

But it’s not because of any silly meditation therapy or simply standing in front of the mirror and faking confidence.

It’s actually because of a simple yet effective method called “Identity Transformation” I created after reading hundreds of books, spending thousands of dollars on courses, coaching men 1 on 1 and approaching god knows how many women.

It’s precisely what helped me go from a shy and socially-anxious geek to a successful millionaire.

And if you read this message carefully for the next 5 minutes, you’ll find out if this method is the best for you or not…

Who am I and why should you listen?

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably seen a couple of my YouTube videos.

Or read my book at least.

Either way, let me tell you something that I haven’t mentioned much online.

I had a very unfortunate childhood.

But no, I didn’t have an abusive father.

Nor was I a homeless immigrant struggling for basic necessities.

Instead my childhood years were what most people would call “normal”.

I was average in everything.

I had average grades. I was average in sports.

I had a good family, no real hardships, no real trigger points.

I listened to everything others told me and lived like that for most of my life.

But being “normal” and “average” was exactly the problem.

Because one day I noticed something about myself.

I realized that being average and doing exactly what others told me brought me to an ugly situation.

I was introverted, shy, and anxious all the time.

I was afraid of rollercoasters, planes, talking to women (especially the hot ones) and even the dark.

Walking into any social situation, I would always worry about how I looked to others.

I really wanted to change my situation, but would always find a way to numb myself with distractions.

All of this drove me so mad that I desperately started looking for solutions.

I started reading books.

I bought courses.

I began exercising.

These solutions motivated me to the point where I began faking confidence and even approaching women.

And it felt great…

I was able to hold conversations with beautiful women.

I even got some phone numbers.

But the mask started slipping…

Being a super self-conscious person, I knew I was faking it.

(And if you’re anything like me, you probably understand what I’m talking about)

I knew I didn’t deserve to be that confident.

It was only a temporary solution.

But I didn’t give up on looking for more solutions, hoping I would find something better.

Until one day, I found a solution so perfect for me that in my mind I remember saying,

This is for me

This solution, that I now call the “Identity Transformation Method”, was so effective that I went from being a fat, shut-in video-game addict to getting a stunning girlfriend and becoming a millionaire in a few years.

And I guarantee that it’ll work for you as well, even if:-

  • You think life has been unfair to you.
  • You think you’re not worthy enough of women’s attention.
  • You’ve never been loved by a woman before.
  • You’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle for years just playing video games.
  • You’re surrounded by negativity.

And especially if:-

  • You’re tired of seeing your friends and other people on Instagram living and doing amazing things while you’re stuck at home feeling like you’re accomplishing nothing.
  • You’re looking to flip a switch, an easy yet effective process that could just turn your esteem and feelings around so that you don’t have to hate yourself so much.

What exactly is the Identity Transformation Method?

You might find yourself saying

“Women don't like me.

I'm not good enough.

Something is wrong with me

But I have no idea how to solve this problem!”

Well, I have discovered that nearly all men who have low self-esteem need only two things to solve their problems.

If you do just these two things, you'll be able to get rid of all your anxiety, fears, insecurities and low self-confidence issues.

But it's not something the self-help industry will ever tell you.

The reason being most of them don't even know of this concept.

The first thing you need is to take the right action.

Not just any action, but the right action for YOU that will help you get where you want.

The second thing you need is something much more important.

You have to kill your old identity.

You see, every identity has its own limitations.

And your current identity has served its purpose by bringing you to wherever you currently are.

It may be some success with women or no success at all.

It may be a small social life or no social life at all.

You may feel confident in some areas of your life or have no confidence in any area at all.

Whatever your case may be…

If you truly wish to start a new life where you're a confident man getting the women you like and always feeling good about yourself then…

You need to create a new identity for yourself.

And the best part?

You can change into anyone you like.

It may be your role model.

A movie actor like James Bond.

Your favorite video game character.

Or someone you create and customize yourself.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a famous author and surgeon, dedicated his entire life researching this Concept of Identity and popularized it through his book, Psycho-Cybernetics.

It is exactly what allowed a scared little kid from Brooklyn to become the ferocious Iron Mike we know.

It is exactly what allowed Eminem, Beyonce, 50 cent, Michael Phelps and countless other athletes, entrepreneurs, actors and rappers to become who they are today.

But Be Warned:

Taking the right actions WITHOUT changing your identity will cause you to give up.

(This is why most people give up on going to the gym thinking “its not for ME”)

On the other hand, changing your identity WITHOUT taking the right actions for you will make you feel like you're FAKING CONFIDENCE.

This is why I've spent the last few years carefully formulating and perfecting a system that allows you to turn into your most confident version.

Which is now trusted by many men in their 20s and 30s to solve their low self-esteem issues.

And rid them from feeling like they're inferior to other men for good!

Before I started following John. I wouldn't have applied for this job. It would have been plain sailing and coasting through life. I applied for it and actually got the job.


It gave me answers I didn't know I was looking for. It turned out to be a life changing decision.


I’ve been way more productive since I started. My amount of dedication towards the business has improved drastically. My goal is to get the business to a 7 figure business.



The Self-Confidence System

If I were to recommend a program to my younger self, this is exactly what I’d give him.

In the self confidence system, I’ve put together everything I learned about building true self confidence including the Identity Transformation Method into a super simple, easy to implement, 12 week system that you can NOT fail at.

I’ve laid it all out for you so that all you have to do is follow this system and the assignments I give you and it will be impossible for you to not become successful.

And the best part? It takes no more than 2-3 hours a week!

Don't know where to start?

3 Months of Self Confidence Group Coaching

You’ll get access to group coaching calls every month where I will personally answer any questions you have about building your self confidence and you’ll get live feedback on how you are doing.

This is one of the MOST valuable parts of the program, since I charge $1,000 a month for my group coaching calls. (change it to something like since you’ll be able to get solutions to your personal problems directly from me and LATER mention $1000 calls thing)

Having accountability to me personally and the other people in the program makes a HUGE difference in taking action and building your confidence.

I’ll be your personal mentor on your self confidence journey and help you along every step of the way.

Total value: $3,000

Building True Self Confidence Masterclass

You’ll start with this master class that will teach you everything you need to know about true self confidence.

It’s a deep dive into understanding exactly what confidence is and how to build confidence in any area of your life. Then, you’ll learn how to apply the concepts to your whole life to build true self confidence that few people ever experience.

In this masterclass you’ll learn:

  • Why you feel confident in some areas, but not truly self confident.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger’s secret to confidence in ANYTHING.
  • The BIG MISTAKE that makes you arrogant instead of confident.
  • The true source of FEAR in your life (and how to eliminate it).
  • The 3 primary ways to develop self confidence in ANY situation.
  • Importance of building an identity/character for yourself.
  • The Context-Shifting hack you can use to conquer fear of public speaking, roller coasters, heights, talking to women and basically any fear you have.
  • A real world example of gaining confidence with women.
  • How to deal with bullies/uncomfortable people at work.
  • Recommended career options (with good pay!).

Total value: $95

How to be Confident Around Women Video Course With Exercises

Not confident in your romantic abilities?

Afraid of approaching women?

Don’t know what to say?

I’ve devoted an entire section on getting girls.

After all, women consistently say the most attractive thing about a man is confidence.

This doesn’t mean that looks and other things aren’t important, but all things equal, you will ABSOLUTELY get better results with women when you are more self confident.

Being unconfident around women will be CERTAIN DISASTER no matter how attractive you are.

This course will give you a step-by-step guide on how to be supremely confident around women.

In this course you’ll learn:

  • Why women can instantly spot a man trying to fake confidence.
  • How to use your new identity to get women’s attention.
  • The 3 things you MUST do before you can even approach a woman
  • The MOST POWERFUL exercise for self improvement I’ve ever seen
  • When, where, and how to approach BEAUTIFUL women to get the best results
  • What to say to ANY women so you never get tongue tied again
  • How to NEVER be nervous when talking to a woman again (no matter how attractive she is)
  • How to be COMPLETELY rejection proof and use rejection to actually make MORE women attracted to you
  • How to get out of your head and act completely natural and genuine ALL THE TIME
  • The BEST technique to make a women think you are FUN and EXCITING

Total value: $95

Daily Self Confidence Audio Affirmations

If standing in front of a mirror and repeating “I’m awesome” hasn’t worked so far, then this is the perfect fit for you.

Instead of just consciously using affirmations, you’ll find exercises that will both consciously and subconsciously train you to be confident.

A powerful confidence that others will instantly recognize and respect (especially women).

You can listen to these audio affirmations every day when you wake up and repeat them to set yourself up for success every day.

Total value: $40

BONUS: The Self Confidence Workout Program

One of the KEYS to self-confidence is feeling good about yourself and feeling like you are physically strong and attractive as a man.

Having a good physique will help you build confidence quickly—plus it has other benefits as well.

This is the complete workout program I have used to build an incredible physique and to go from FAT and out of shape to having a body that most men would want to have and women find attractive.

This is a simple program, you can implement RIGHT NOW to start getting results today.

Easy to learn and it cuts out all the bullshit fitness advice that is out there that doesn’t really work.

I’ve implemented it with many of my coaching clients and we’ve seen phenomenal progress.

Total value: $49

BONUS: Self Confidence Visualization Exercises

If you can’t even see your most confident version in your own imagination (which is any person’s freest place) then it’s almost impossible to be that man in reality.

These powerful, guided visualization exercises will help you get rid of your limiting beliefs and become more self confident.

You’ll get 3 guided-visualization exercises that you can listen to at any time as well as a written version, so you can practice anywhere.

(Including the How-To-become-The-Main-Character-Of-Your-Life Exercise)

Total value: $49

BONUS: Dress Confidently: Self Confidence Style Guide

“…every girl crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man.”

How you look directly affects how you feel about yourself.

I hired an expert in men’s style to help me put together this very easy-to-use style guide that can make even the most fashion-challenged man look like a million dollars.

The best part is that you don’t have to buy an entire new wardrobe and you don’t have to buy expensive clothes.

If you really want to up your style to look and feel more confident, you don’t want to miss out on this.

Total value: $40

You’re Going To Invest A Small Fraction Of What My Private Coaching Clients Happily Pay Me

This is a total value of $3,372, but you won’t even pay CLOSE to that price today…

However… before I tell you the actual price (and before you get ready to skip this part) let me ask you a question…

How much is it worth to you to eliminate self-confidence issues and finally feel truly confident in yourself?

What would you trade in order to finally be able to go up and talk to any woman you want, to be able to walk confidently into a room or social setting, and finally have the life you deserve—the life you were meant for?

To me, it’s priceless.

I can’t even put a price on the value of taking the steps I needed in order to finally become truly self confident.

It literally made me millions of dollars and significantly improved the quality of my life.

Normally I would charge thousands of dollars for the kind of help you’ll be able to get with this program.

My private coaching clients pay $1,500 a month for 1 hour of my time and if I do group coaching, it’s a minimum of $1,000 a month.

But, I know everyone can’t afford that, and I don’t have the time to do one-on-one coaching with that many people.

(I already have to turn down people for one-on-one coaching because I just don’t have the bandwidth.)

That’s why I decided to create this whole system in a format that you can easily digest yourself AND add in 3 months of coaching for any help you need along the 12-week journey.

If you add up the true value of everything in this program, and I’ve been pretty conservative with the values, it comes up to $3,372.

But… I am going to offer you everything, today:

  • 3 Months of Group Coaching (valued at $3,000)
  • Building True Self Confidence Masterclass: Ultimate self confidence training, answers all your question about self confidence (valued at $95)
  • How to be Confident Around Women (video course with exercises): Learn how to talk to women and get over social anxiety (valued at $95)
  • Daily Self Confidence Audio Affirmations: Subconsciously program your mind to become more confident (valued at $40)
  • BONUS 1: Dress Confidently: Self Confidence Style Guide: Dress with confidence to act with confidence (valued at $40)
  • BONUS 2: Self Confidence Workout Program: Build a strong confident physique (valued at $49)
  • BONUS 3: Self Confidence Visualization Exercises (valued at $49)

All of this, with a personal guarantee that you will find success with the program, all for just

Total Package Value = $3,372

I'm Giving You TWO Guarantees

Let me say this right now: this program WILL work for you.

I am 100% confident in it and I absolutely KNOW it will work for you, so much so, that I will personally guarantee you’ll succeed with my unique guarantee.

I’m giving you not one, but two guarantees.

If you go through this program and you implement the exercises and you do not feel 100% more self confident than you were before you started this program…

I will not only give you ALL your money back, but also work with you (PERSONALLY) to help build your self confidence.

Just email me at saying my program didn’t work for you, and I’ll get you sorted.

As you already know, I charge $1,500 an hour for my time.

But today you’re getting that value for just $497.

If we worked together privately, that would get you 20 minutes of time with me.

Today it gets you a 12-week program + 3 months of group coaching.

That’s how serious I am about this.

The reason why I’m able to make this strong of a guarantee is because, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if you ACTUALLY do what I tell you in this program, you will GREATLY increase your self confidence beyond what you could even imagine.

You have absolutely nothing to lose.

I want all the risk for this program to belong to me!

Press back or close this window if you want to go back to your old life.


 You Pay For Doing NOTHING

Look… I’m gonna tell you something not to scare you, but force you to take either one of two decisions.

Because every day you do nothing costs you something.

We as men have the highest amount of energy in our 20s and 30s.

It is what you could say our “prime” time on earth is.

Wasting this time is the worst decision a man can make.

And haven’t you wasted enough of your time already?

Isn’t that why you have a strong desire to change yourself?

Not to mention, there are a bunch of men out there, most of them not even having the patience to read this far, doing amazing things that you could be doing.

Making the friends you’d like to make.

Talking to the stunning girl, you’d like to have a conversation with.

And living with a “I don’t care about others' opinions” attitude.

These are all the things you can absolutely have…

If and only if you get rid of all the baggage you’ve been carrying for your life and finally become free.

But you have to take action.

And you have to take the right action for you.

Do you want to regret not making 1 choice that could be a turning point of your life?

Or do you want to take active action towards improving yourself once and for all?

You have already seen numerous testimonials of people no better than you who started a new chapter of their life by taking the right decision.

And I’ve even taken all the risk on my shoulders with my guarantees because I know how you feel right now.

There’s nothing more I can do to convince you to take action.

It’s completely your choice.

Once you close this tab, you may or may not see this page ever again.

There are a limited number of seats available for group coaching.

And I don’t know how long I’m gonna keep this program up.

What is your final choice?

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My only regret with John is that I didn't contact him earlier. Had I signed up for coaching in 2016, I would have achieved my goals several times over by now.

Vladimir Khorikov


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